xivdl's commissions

commissions status :

updated 17.06.24


commissions type


price in USD/GBP

typesshoulder upbust upfull body
sketch$7 — £5$9 — £7$13 — £10
colored sketch$8 — £6$10 — £8$15 — £13
lineart$10 — £8$15 — £13$20 — £18
lineless$13 — £10$18 — £17$25 — £23

price in IDR

typesshoulder upbust upfull body
colored sketch50k75k100k

click for full image

character complexity might affect the price
plain/simple backgrounds FREE (color/pattern/transparent)
full illustration; detailed background & add on details +3-10 USD / 1-8 GBP / 10-75k IDR (please note that the background will still be simplified to my own art style)
additional characters (max 3 characters/piece)

  • bust up sketch : $5 / £3 / 25k IDR

  • full body sketch : $8 / £5 / 50k IDR

  • bust up colored sketch : $8 / £5 / 50k IDR

  • full body colored sketch : $10 / £8 / 75k IDR

  • bust up lineart : $10 / £8 / 75k IDR

  • full body lineart : $15 / £13 / 100k IDR

  • bust up lineless : $15 / £13 / 100k IDR

  • full body lineless : $20 / £18 / 150k IDR


price in USD/GBP

typesiconfull body
style a$8 — £5$15 — £13
style b$5 — £3$10 — £8
style c$5 — £3$8 — £5

price in IDR

typesiconfull body
style a50k100k
style b25k75k
style c25k50k

flat color + simple shading
character complexity might affect the price
plain/simple backgrounds FREE (color/pattern/transparent)
detailed background & add on details +3-8 USD / 1-5 GBP / 10-50k IDR (please note that the background will still be simplified to my own art style)
additional characters

  • style a : $10 USD / £8 GBP / 75k IDR

  • style b : $5 USD / £3 GBP / 25k IDR

  • style c : $3 USD / £1 GBP / 15k IDR


price from
50k IDR-275k IDR
if you have any specific work of mine that you are interested on getting a commission for please tell me!


click for full image

terms & conditions

will do :
✓ fictional characters
✓ original characters (ocs)
✓ real people
✓ ship art (pairing/couple)
✓ fan art
✓ self-insert
won't do :
✕ full NSFW (slightly suggestive okay)
✕ heavy gore (slight gore okay)
✕ fursona (human with animal add-ons are okay!)
✕ too detailed background

I have every right to refuse any commissions

  • for PERSONAL use only (no commercial use)

  • no NFTS

  • completion speed : 3 days to 3 months after full payment (depending on my irl situation and the complexity of the characters)

  • full payment after sketch stage

  • payment via paypal/ko-fi (USD)

  • UK bank payment (GBP) via HSBC

  • local payment (IDR) via BCA

  • payment through paypal comes with additional fee

process & notes

1) contact me on instagram, twitter, or tumblr and ask for a slot
2) choose the type of commission that you want
3) send me the details through email;
your name (how do I address you), commission type + quantity, references + additional notes, payment details
4) I will reply to your email with an invoice (if I haven't responded within 3 days, please shoot me a message!)
5) I will send you the sketch through email after I'm done
6) full payment
7) I will start to work on the commission after I received the payment receipt
8) I will send you the finished piece through email

  • if you have any ideas for the pose, details, mood, etc, feel free to add pictures or a rough sketch (visual references are required, but if you want to add more with descriptions, that's okay too!)

  • if you have any references (especially pose & mood) on how the piece would look like please do share them

  • I might ask for an artistic liberty

  • if you have any preferences for the size and resolution please do tell me

  • revisions during the sketch stage, minor revisions during the completion are okay

  • ask me for any updates, I might ask you some questions too if I wasn't so sure about something

  • if you want to post/use the commissioned piece please credit (tag/mention) me!

  • I have the right to use and upload your commissioned piece as samples, but if you don't want yours to be shared please tell me!

thank you for commissioning me!feel free to contact me if you have more questions!